Mikael Lind
Mikael Lind is a composer of experimental ambient music, currently residing in Reykjavik, Iceland, where he works as a part-time teacher of...
Mikael Lind is a composer of experimental ambient music, currently residing in Reykjavik, Iceland, where he works as a part-time teacher of electronic music. He has a number of releases under his belt, most notably Unsettled Beings, featuring Ryan Karazija (Low Roar) on vocal, Sounds that Escaped (2017) and Spaces In Between (2019). Mikael’s music is often based around simple themes that gradually evolve into more complex creations, where sounds and textures are given enough space to slowly introduce themselves, expand, and finally be manipulated into something different. There’s a certain minimalism and sparseness in the choice of instruments, but not in how these instruments are treated. A simple piano line might be carefully developed into a full ambient orchestration with the help of electronic techniques of sound manipulation.
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