Shared Work: Traveling Through Time and Trends with

All it takes is a flip through an old Vogue to confirm that perceptions of beauty are ever changing. From the massive hair of the 80’s to the quirky bob of the 1920’s, men and women have adopted some pretty striking styles in the name of fashion. Tracing the evolution of beauty standards, our friends at made a series of videos showcasing a timeline of trends from around the world, entitled 100 Years of Beauty. The episodes offer snapshots of unique looks across a variety of cultures and decades, causing viewers to wish they could travel back in time — or at least to a different country.     

Each video uses a different Marmoset track to take the viewer on an epic journey through beauty and time. Without any dialogue, it’s up to the model and the music to narrate the changing of the fashion tides. These killer combinations caught the attention of almost 30 million people on the USA episode alone, and continue to inform and inspire with new countries and styles. We put together a mixtape of all the songs used in the series and included a few of our favorite videos below.

USA – Featured Marmoset Track: “Danny And The Devil” by Boy Eats Drum Machine

Haiti – Featured Marmoset Track: “Moving On” by Soul City

Germany – Featured Marmoset Track: “March On” by Jeffrey Brodsky

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