At the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains, a young home-schooled Shenandoah Davis (only 3 at the time), began teaching herself how to play piano. Luckily for us, she kept growing and with her came her first full length album, “The Company We Keep”. Now living in Seattle, Washington, Shenandoah Davis brings a fusion of folk and classical music into her work. With a uniquely striking voice, she has found her way onto everyone at Marmoset Music’s Ipod (and for good reason). Comparisons have been made to Joanna Newsom and Alela Diane, and she played with the Seattle Rock Orchestra for a performance of Arcade Fire’s Funeral. As a new addition to our roster, we couldn’t be happier to have her.
Check Shenandoah Davis out below, and you better believe she’s available for licensing.