You may have noticed Facebook has been releasing a series of videos, sharing stories of fun, quirky ideas, ingenuity and community. Each video reveals an idea worth sharing — the kind of thing you might share with a friend or a loved one. We were honored to once again team-up with our dear friends at Wieden + Kennedy to lay down some original music for one of FB’s sharable vignettes.
For “Super Cleaners,” we were handed the mission of covering Sophia Loren‘s classic song “Bing! Bang! Bong!,” while keeping the distinct sound that fosters a youthful sense of wonder and creativity, along with an subtle air of nostalgia. Led by Marmoset producer Rob Dennler, we held the vintage direction, complete with whistles, old-timey harmonies, bells and even the crackle of an old 45.
Share A Coke Collaboration Shines With Summer Vibes