The art of creating a mixtape is an ancient and sacred art. At one point or another, we’ve put together collections of songs to share something special. From sending a mix to an awkward crush you’ve had in the past to making one for a road trip; mix tapes have always been companions to experiences, something that brings a soundtrack to a moment in time. We’ve come a long way from the ratty cassette tapes recording songs from the radio, but no matter how the medium changes, the intention is the same: conveying something not easily said in words – conveying an experience.
Marmoset Curated Mixtapes
One of the exciting things we have on our new website is you can now collect and share mixes to convey your experience. We’ve made it easy for you to create the perfect mix for any project that you’re working on. To get started, you can see 8 handcrafted mixes we’ve curated with care from our extensive library. Within each mix, there is a reoccurring mood and theme ranging from The Cinematic and Inspiring to the joyous moments of a wedding. Each mix presents ideas and starting points to help with you finding the right soundtrack to your story. While listening to each song on Marmoset Radio, you can learn more about the artists through their bios, and most songs have lyrics available.
Custom Mixtapes
So you’ve checked out the mixes that we’ve created? Now you can make your own. When you’re signed in, you can create, download and share mixes from music you’ve enjoyed from our catalog. Where to start? First click on the cassette icon at the top right of your screen, then name and create your mixtape.

Once you have a mixtape named and ready to go, you can start adding songs. When you’ve found a song that you love, hover over the name and click Add To Mixtape icon (image on the left). From this point on you can craft and curate your own unique collection of songs that convey your experience and mood of your project.
Sharing Your Mixtape
Now that you’ve created your mixtape and ready to share with that old flame, coworker on a project, your mother, or rather a client that you’re working on a project for. First click on the Share option on your mixtape.

At this point, you can choose which way to share your music with other people. You can send your mixtape via Email, Facebook, Twitter and even Google +.
Privacy Settings
Another important feature is the ability to either make your mixtape Public or Private. By making it private, you can share your mix only with people that you want to see it. When making it public, you have a chance for your mixtape to featured on our homepage along with our other curated mixes. This opportunity comes with a prize of free music credits and really cool swag.
There’s so many ways to make a mixtape, and with this new feature, you can make your own special companion soundtrack to your story. Have fun.