Oceana Fights the Good Fight Against Plastic

The havoc throwaway plastics wreaks on the environment isn’t a shocking headline by any means. Yet taking action begins by simply talking about the issue, reminding one another the consequentialness of environment upkeep — that there’s no time like the present to elicit positive change. Nonprofit ocean conservation organization, Oceana sends important reminders like this everyday.

Their latest video campaign aims to educate and inform audiences on the harmful trail of plastics. Although unsettling, digesting the hard truth is the first step toward genuine awareness, the next step to prompt real action and change to transpire. The video unravels the long cycle and lifespan of plastics in our oceans, then following how it trails into our food sources and water — Oceana’s point is that plastic pollution isn’t an environmental issue, it’s a human issue where no one is immune in either playing a part or being affected.

As a B Corp, Marmoset’s own mission is to adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices. We’re proud to partner with Oceana’s goal to #BreakFreeFromPlastic and feature three Marmoset artists throughout their video campaign.

Numbers (Instrumental)” by Chuck Fay

Symphonic Motion (Instrumental)” by Yehuda Samson

Unravel (Instrumental)” by Ben Chatwin

Learn more about Oceana’s efforts here.

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