In songwriting, sometimes conveying the best story is not only in the music itself, but in creating a world that the song exists in, a believable world. Much like the rambling and bedraggled musings of Tom Waits, or the wanderlust aesthetic of Bob Dylan, they present stories with an alter-ego, a personality as well as their songs, creating an entire world, a story for the audience to hold on to. Shy Girls have created their own world, making people dance along with every step.

Only two years ago, the musings of Dan Vidmar only existed on his sole synthesizer and computer, nestled in his small apartment. Fast forward to now, his moniker of Shy Girls has sprung out of the gates as a 6-piece ensemble that just grabbed the reigns of the Portland’s Best New Band by Willamette Week this year. Now fully in form and in the spotlight, Vidmar and Co. are captivating audiences with the sexiest music to come out of this rain-drenched city in some time. At one time jokingly described as “dentist-office funk”, their music has evolved: coated in saccharine goodness, complete with smooth sax, synth textures and comforting vocals that lull you back to 1989. What seems to make Shy Girls something special and engaging, is that their R&B is not throwback music of the 80’s, their songs are played as if that time never stopped, genuinely crafted with care and detail.
When first making the rounds to local press with his songs online, he omitted songwriting credits and keeping his face obscured in any photos. However, as their engaging and soulful compositions expanded out of Vidmar’s home and into the dancing feet of Portland, he had to step into the light of the public, shy no more. The world that Shy Girls present can be viewed as one of Dan’s personalities, a part of his brain writing music inspired by his childhood 80’s radio. Now in the modern setting, armed with a whole posse of talented musicians, his retro world has become an immersive entity, presenting a convincing case to fall in love with a good sax solo every once in a while.
You can find Shy Girl’s music at Marmoset HERE.
We’re excited to announce that Shy Girls will be sharing their world at our Hott Summer Nights and official MFNW Party on September 5th. RSVP HERE to see them. In the meantime, soak in the majesty of this band with the video below.
Wow, music after my heart,