Be that girl is the resounding message behind the Australian fashion label Sportsgirl campaign. While reminiscent of the “girl power” adage, it’s not the same or really even a reinvention in any sense; instead it’s insight on a unique kind of celebration toward individuality and how this entwines into the present generation.
The campaign dodges clumping women together into a simplified category or hastily resorting to generalization. Instead there’s a tribute to one’s individuality, celebrating one’s vivacity and the drive behind it all. If anything the short film is representative of women’s mission in the media today — demanding a deserving spotlight on the longterm, tiresome issues they face.
“Be That Girl” offers perspective of what it takes to be her — the woman at the top, the woman working climbing the corporate ladder, the woman following her ambitions, the woman who won’t take no for an answer. Refreshingly, the campaign doesn’t undermine that while women do belong to an unspoken sisterhood, each one offers their own unique story. And this too can be inherently powerful.

Marmoset artist, Michele Wylen
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