Music Supervisor or Superhero? Both — Music Licensing from the Experts

When you think about it… Music Supervisors are a lot like music superheroes. Learning and remembering thousands of songs and artists… or how a specific instrument sounds… or more specifically, how well each song’s mood and energy could fit within the context of another’s project. It’s not just a job, talent, hobby, it’s all of those and more, which takes a very specific person to do well. Kind of like… a superhero.

Marmoset Senior Music Supervisor, Kat Olsen, is one of these superheroes. From writing and recording music in bands for more than 10 years to expertly pairing music with picture at Marmoset since 2013, it’s safe to say that Kat has acquired a wealth of knowledge about music licensing. Luckily for those interested in hearing more about how she does it, Kat, alongside a three other talented music industry professionals, will graciously share these learnings with the world on April 30th at Vortex Magazine’s Music Marketing Meet-up.

If you can’t make this meeting of the minds, don’t fret — you can hear Kat talk all about the ins and outs of licensing on The Future of What, a Portland-based podcast about the music industry.

Check out event details here and listen to the podcast below.

Listen to the podcast

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