Celebrating Juneteenth

Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond. Marmoset is closed Friday, June 18th in recognition of Juneteenth in which we honor this holiday as a paid day off for all employees. In support of the Black community in Portland, we have donated $2000 to Imagine Black, an organization building Black political participation and supporting Black leadership to achieve desired alternatives for Black Portlanders.

Marmoset encourages staff to spend the day with the intention to educate and honor the meaning of what Juneteenth stands for. To support employees in this self-education, Marmoset has provided multiple books in our library on the topics of race politics and race relations in the USA.

Additionally, there are some online resources specifically about Juneteenth that we have shared with staff:

Equal Justice Initiative – On this day – June 19, 1865

The Guardian – Juneteenth Independence Holiday – here’s what you need to know

49th Annual Juneteenth

Original art above by Tristan Tk Irving

If events are more your jam, try the 49th Annual Juneteenth celebration in Portland — and virtually, where Marmoset Artists Sarah Clarke, Libretto and collaborator, Mel Brown, will be appearing.

Watch live ONLINE: www.juneteenthor.com

So this coming Juneteenth (June 19, from midnight to midnight PDT) and every Juneteenth hereafter, for any purchase you make on Bandcamp, they will be donating 100% of their share of sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, a national organization that has a long history of effectively enacting racial justice and change through litigation, advocacy, and public education.

In celebration of Juneteenth and Bandcamp’s initiative, Marmoset hopes you’ll support one of our incredible Black Artists by purchasing their music or merch. If there is another artist you would like to support on Bandcamp please reach out to support@marmosetmusic.com and we can assist.

Cyanca – https://cyanca.bandcamp.com/

KayelaJ – https://kayelaj.bandcamp.com/

Blossom- https://blossomblossom.bandcamp.com/album/maybe-lp

WebsterX- https://websterx.bandcamp.com/

Theory Hazit- https://theoryhazit.bandcamp.com/

Mr. Lif- https://mrlifmmg.bandcamp.com/album/dont-look-down

The Last Artful, Dodgr- https://thelastartfuldodgr.bandcamp.com/music

Fritzwa- https://fritzwa.bandcamp.com/music

Fenton Joseph- https://fentonjoseph.bandcamp.com/

Miss Eaves- https://misseaves.bandcamp.com/

Ess Be- https://essbe2.bandcamp.com/

Sammus- https://sammusmusic.bandcamp.com/

Chanti Darling- https://chantidarling.bandcamp.com/releases

Illa J- https://illa-j.bandcamp.com/album/illa-j

Mirror Gazer- https://freshselects.bandcamp.com/album/onuinu

Danielle Grubb- https://daniellegrubb.bandcamp.com/album/saturn

Sugaray Rayford- https://sugarayrayford.bandcamp.com/releases

Ill Camille- https://illcamille1.bandcamp.com/

Sivon- https://illect.bandcamp.com/album/dark-side-of-the-cocoon

Farnell Newton- https://lofijazzsoul.bandcamp.com/

AAMAR- https://aamarsound.bandcamp.com/

Cliff Beach- https://cliffbeachmusic.bandcamp.com/

Sareem Poems- https://sareempoems.bandcamp.com/music

Chimurenga Renaissance- https://chimurengarenaissance.bandcamp.com/

Toni Hill- https://bgirlmedia.bandcamp.com/

Tyrone Hendrix- https://tyronehendrixdrums.bandcamp.com/

MAARQUII- https://maarquii.bandcamp.com/releases

Drae Slapz- https://draeslapz.bandcamp.com/

Myke Bogan- https://myke-bogan.bandcamp.com/

Easy McCoy- https://easymccoy.bandcamp.com/releases

Shonn Hinton- https://shonnhinton.bandcamp.com/

Martha High- https://marthahighrk.bandcamp.com/

Baba Sissokko- https://babasissoko.bandcamp.com/

Aaron Abernathy- https://aaronabernathy.bandcamp.com/merch

Joonie- https://joonie.bandcamp.com/

Tiffany Wilson- https://tiffanywilson.bandcamp.com/

OCnotes- https://ocnotes.bandcamp.com/

Wayfare- https://wayfarebeats.bandcamp.com/

Yasmin Williams- https://yasminwilliams.bandcamp.com/

Sly Stone- https://slystonemusic.bandcamp.com/

J. Rhodan- https://illect.bandcamp.com/album/each-sold-separately

Martell Webster- https://martellwebster.bandcamp.com/

ePP- https://eppeppepp.bandcamp.com/track/you-know-that-ft-the-last-artful-dodgr

Tanika Charles- https://tanikacharles.bandcamp.com/

Donte Thomas- https://dontethomas.bandcamp.com/album/colors-deluxe-lp

Covi- https://ayocovi.bandcamp.com/

Kyle Bent- https://kylebent.bandcamp.com/

Ural Thomas & The Pain- https://tenderlovingempire.bandcamp.com/album/the-right-time

Bells Atlas- https://bellsatlas.bandcamp.com/merch

Afrosonics- https://afrosonics.bandcamp.com/merch

Dusu Mali Band- https://dusumaliband.bandcamp.com/

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