Marmoset stands with our LGBTQ+ community in the fight for equity, dignity, and human rights.
I am deeply concerned by the recent Supreme Court ruling against LGBTQ+ protections and the surge of bills across the country that target LGBTQ+ individuals, many specifically targeting transgender youth, with exclusion or differential treatment. These bills seek to put the authority of our state and national governments behind discrimination and promote mistreatment of the targeted LGBTQ+ population. It’s absolutely deplorable.
These actions harm our friends, family, artists, clients, colleagues, and community members, stripping them of access, opportunities and making them feel unwelcome and at risk in their own communities.
Let there be no mistake – legislation promoting discrimination directly affects our businesses, whether it occurs in the workplace or not. People have power in the daily choices they make with their own consumer and business spending, and increasingly look to support businesses that align with their values.
As author, professor and activist Ibram X. Kendi said today, “GOP Supreme Court Justices have ruled forced births and “straight-only” businesses are legit, and policies leading to racial and economic equity are not legit. Sexism-homophobia-racism-classism are connected. Their defenders are in solidarity. Their opponents, we, must be too.”
Marmoset stands in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community and opposes any laws that threaten or question their rights. We believe everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. LGBTQ+ rights are inalienable human rights. Period.
Now, more than ever, we must stand up as public allies – visibly supporting the LGBTQ+ community without exception, embracing the full spectrum of diverse identities, and defending against any efforts to discriminate, particularly against transgender and non-binary community members who are being targeted.
At Marmoset, we are committed to creating an inclusive workplace and community where everyone is respected and valued for who they are. We also acknowledge that our commitment to this work is never finished, and there is always room for improvement. More importantly, we recognize it’s not enough to just talk about these issues; we must take action.
Marmoset commits 10% of profits to community organizations, and since its inception, Marmoset has invested nearly half a million dollars into community organizations, focused on a wide variety of issues, initiatives and people, including The Transgender Law Center, National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network, Basic Rights Oregon, LBGTQ Freedom Fund, ACLU, and as of today, Prism Health, to name a few.
Today Marmoset made a modest contribution to Prism Health, an LGBTQ+ health center in Portland. Prism Health offers a safe, affirming, and non-judgmental space where all members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community can obtain the compassionate and culturally effective health care they need and deserve. The center operates on a sliding scale, and provides primary care, gender-affirming care, HIV care, and more.
Marmoset is also a co-signer of the Human Right’s Campaign “Count Us In Pledge,” and we invite other businesses under 500 employees to join us in this commitment. Companies with more than 500 employees can co-sign the Human Rights Campaign’s business statement on anti-LGBTQ+ state legislation. Further, the Trans Legislation Tracker is an informative way to track and learn more about anti-trans bills across the country and in your local area, along with easy ways to take action. If anyone wants to team-up or collaborate on ideas or initiatives, please let me know.
Let us all be brave in our activism for trans rights and find ways to show our support for those who may feel oppressed or discriminated against because of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
Ryan Wines
Founder + CEO of Marmoset