Proud and Present: What Pride Month Means to Us

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June is a reminder to be proud — to never back down to intolerance and injustice, a reminder to honor and remember the monumental activism done by those who preceded us. 

Pride Month can entail a variation of emotions, a time for personal revelation to elatedness in non-stop celebration. Because yes, it’s a time to be proud and loud (or less loud if you want to be). And there’s true beauty in expressing proudness in one’s identity, heritage, name, one’s beliefs, the stories you’ve lived. But what’s unique about this kind of pride is it being rooted in love and compassion for one another— and the right to do just that. 

Because Marmoset has such an opportunity to work alongside so many individuals — within and outside Portland’s blossoming music community — there lies an importance in highlighting why Pride Month means so much to not only us, but our clients, artists & musicians, our friends and families. In the spirit of togetherness, we asked how you celebrate pride and just what it means to you.

Here’s what we heard back.

How will you show your pride this month?

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By loving my wife; attending the parade with our community of family, friends and their families; seeing Frankie Simone play at pride. – Katie

I’m going to shower love and gratitude on the people I love, and show a little extra skin. – Laura

Bumping Frankie Simone all damn month and living as a Love Warrior! Jenna

I’m going to Chicago for Pride, to celebrate one of my good friend’s Bachelor/ette weekend! The drag shows tend to be really special, so I’m looking forward to that part a lot. – Sarah

What does Pride Month mean to you?

“It’s a time to remember those who have been lost as a result of oppression – from the stone wall riots to the Pulse nightclub shooting. It’s a time for celebration and unity, which means so much more than ever to me in this political climate. It’s a time when the rainbow flags are out, making me smile and reminding me of the incredible queer communities that have formed all over.” – Katie

“Being TRUE TO YOURSELF. Being your 100% authentic self unapologetically. Throwing fear aside and allowing others to support and raise you up. Remembering those who have lost their lives for doing the same.” – Jenna

“June is all about community. It’s about having pride in who you are and showing up for others. See and be seen!” – Laura

Frankie Simone with her wife , Che

“Pride Month means that I am not alone. It means I am not the only one willing to stand for myself and others right to love openly without oppression from government, business and basically other people. I am not alone when celebrating the progress we have made thus far with the queer community as well as with civil rights. Not alone when reinforcing that we deserve to be acknowledged as people worthy of equal treatment in America regardless of our differences.– Anonymous

“Pride to me means feeling less alone. It’s like the Frankie Simone lyrics: Come out, come out, my people where are you?”

“Sometimes LGBTQ people need reminders that we’re always around for each other — a lot of us “pass” and/or just aren’t super visible or loud at times. This is both in our communities at large, and with each other too. It’s a community in which “chosen family” is a key to unlock life achievements, like having people who truly support you and care about you, despite not being “blood related” or whatever.”

“A lot of queer people don’t have a lot of that, if they’ve ever had it. Personally, I look at the news every morning half expecting to see some basic human right threatened or revoked (or something even worse) for people like myself, my partner, and my friends and family. This actually happens and it happens all over the world daily. Living with those kinds of constant threats/fears sucks, and the best way to survive and thrive is through community.”

“Pride is a reminder to make our presence known in the world, because visibility really matters.” – Sarah

However you choose to celebrate Pride Month, we hope peacefulness and acceptance follow. And to accompany you on your journey, Marmoset’s compiled a special mixtape showcasing the work of our LGBTQI artists and its allies. Thanks for listening!

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