As part of Marmoset’s overarching purpose, Be Community, we invest 10% of all profits (from our share, never the artist) in nonprofits and organizations enacting real, positive change in our community and beyond. Every quarter, we partner up with organizations fighting for social, environmental and educational equity.
We couldn’t do this without you – the clients, filmmakers, directors and editors who choose Marmoset. Your business keeps our lights on and allows us to give back to our community.
Keep reading to find out more about the organizations we partnered with and how much we were able to invest directly into our community with your help last quarter.
With your help this last quarter, Marmoset was honored to invest a total of $12,413 into the following local and national organizations with the theme of industry equity: Portland In Color, Women’s Audio Mission, Techqueria and Black Film Space. Read more about each organization’s missions and work below.

Portland In Color aims to foster artistic and professional opportunities for Portland’s people of color through community events, local partnerships and a public directory of opportunities and resources. They also work to highlight the voices, experiences, and contributions from Portland’s community of color through in-depth interviews and profiles that examine their experiences. Portland In Color looks to move beyond just visibility, and pushes for an equitable arts and media landscape.

Women’s Audio Mission aims to train women and girls in the media, music and creative technology spaces. Their award-winning curriculum that combines art and music with science, tech and computer programming aims to close the gender gap and inspire women and girls to “amplify their voices and become the innovators of tomorrow.”

Techqueria is a nonprofit serving Latinx professionals in tech, aiming to empower Latinx professionals with the resources, community and education they need to thrive and become leaders in the tech industry. Techqueria has over 16,000 members and allies in their network, and their online Slack community has 10,000+ members with nearly a quarter engaging on a weekly basis. Techqueria collaborates with tech companies and employee resource groups to build Latinx-centered spaces that provide career advice, recruiting, mentorship and community building opportunities.

Black Film Space is a national nonprofit that aims to improve the careers of black filmmakers by providing career opportunities, community building and educational film workshops for people of African descent. They host film screenings, panels, networking mixers and open forums and more, and provide mentorship and discounted resources for members.